The game revolves around a conspiracy known as the Niantic Project. The people who work there are agents researching on something called the Shaper Mind Virus, which supposedly controls the mind of an affected individual, causing him/her to become... artistically expressive. The Shapers (as they are called) are also responsible for the creation of ideas in a person's mind.
There are 2 factions, the Enlightened and the Resistance. The Enlightened aims to learn more about and harness the power of mind control, while the Resistance, well, resists. The player gets to choose which faction to join.
Currently, Ingress is in beta mode, and requires an activation code to play. Once in the game, the player selects an agent name to go by, and joins a faction. After that, there is a tutorial teaching you how the game works and what you must do. I don't know all the details, but it involves visiting landmarks and buildings (such as museums and libraries) that are identified as portals, then hacking it for your faction.
I've already requested an invite, but have yet to receive it. :(
To find out more, visit Niantic Project.
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